" I have not seen a case prosecuted by the Multnomah county's district attorney's office in which it was so apparent that the plaintiff's statements were so demonstrably false." Barry Engle legal counsel to Themba Hasaan Kelley 

Though Themba acknowledges his greatest attorney to be GOD, he is also grateful for his earthly attorney, Barry Engle, who has not only been willing to empathize with Themba's concerns of racial injustice, but has also been willing to address those concerns in the court room. For good reasons, Themba not only considers Barry to be a "kick ass" attorney, but also a friend.

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FACTS: On the morning of April 14th 2019, Wendy Christine Parris was due in court facing a mandatory 2 year prison sentence. This just happened to be the same morning that she called the police on Themba. He went to jail that morning; Parris did not! This bought her time to continue on her drug spree; nonetheless, a warrant was issued a month later and she was arrested. Upon her arrest, she was also facing a plethora of new charges. She is now serving a 130 months (10 years) in Coffee Creek Corrections on those new offenses, combined with the mandatory 2 years she received on the warrant. Each one of these offenses involve blatant dishonesty, manipulative fraud, auto-theft, etc. Extremely concerned about going to prison, Parris sent this text to one of her friends, " I'm completely freaking out. I'm supposed to be in court in Vancouver in like 25 minutes and my car is over heating and bad and there is no way I'm going to make it. If I don't make this court date I GO TO JAIL!" This text message was sent on the morning of April 13th, 2019, a day before Themba's arrest. Parris was not only due in court on the 13th, she also had an appearance directly after on the 14th. She was supposed to return to that same court room and also attend an appointment for rehab. She obviously did not make it to court that day. This was the morning that she called the police on Themba. (click the link to see the court papers Parris mistakenly left on Themba's car seat proving that she was facing mandatory prison and "freaking out" on the morning she called the police and issued a false report. Her sentencing information is also included)

If the District attorney office "truly" cared about "Parris's well being , they would have charged her with "Initiating a False Report," locked her up and sent her to rehab when she was first found to have been lying on the day of the arrest and at Grand Jury. But remember: "YOU DON'T HAVE TO CALL A PERSON A NIGG** TO TREAT THEM LIKE ONE!" FACTS! DDA Hermann was so hungry to get a dishonest conviction out of Themba that she "intentionally" overlooked Parris's malicious lies and deceitfully used those lies to secure the indictment. To date, DDA Hermann has expressed no concern that Parris's "white" lies, almost cost a "BLACK OREGONIAN" his life! Parris accused Themba of raping and kidnapping her at gun-point, however; according to the Gresham's investigative team as well the arresting officer's, THERE WAS NO GUN AND NOT ONE SHRED OF GUN EVIDENCE. The S.W.A.T team came to the alleged crime scene with guns and rifles pointed at motel room #208 ready to kill Themba if need be all due to Parris's lying. (SEE THE NEXT SECTION THE RACIST RAPE CASE OF THEMBA KELLEY) To add further insult to a Oregonian community that has unified in solidarity with Black People to stand against racial injustice; after the DDA used Parris's" HUGE" WHITE LIES to indict Themba, the state of Oregon kicked Parris to the curb and sent her to prison for 10 years on retail theft, nine mail thefts, a stolen vehicle and aggravated identity theft; therefore SHATTERING Parris's witness credibility even further and also confirming that they NEVER cared about her in the first place. In criminal law there is something called "witness credibility. Parris's entire criminal history is impeachable! Her criminal history is saturated with offenses that include FRAUD, DECEIT AND LIES! Now she is doing 10 years on more offenses that ALL involve deceit, fraud and lying. And these are new convictions that she received after Themba was arrested. What is further insulting is this is the same person that the state plans on relying on to give honest testimony at trial. L.A.W

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To contribute to the abolishment of PROSECUTORIAL RACISM is why BUSTED IN JUSTICE has been birthed. B.I.J has taken the last year to gather the most potent evidentiary elements of Kelley's horrifically racist case, in order to reveal the disease of prosecutorial racism to the world.

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"Thank you, Your Honor. First of all, I just want to acknowledge Aneesah Furqan, the vice president of the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs, who's in the audience to support me. They and also the co-founder of the Love Wins Movement, Marjean Bafus. And this is definitely related to this issue. And I consider actually every time I'm in the courtroom that this issue I'm addressing is relevant." "On behalf of my various ancestral lineages, be that European, Asiatic or African, do I speak. To my great appreciation, the W. Haywood Burns Institute 2019 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Report was recently released. Finally, at last, through this very informative document have my experiences of Prosecutorial Racism in Multnomah County been at least statistically validated. The statistics are horrific and it can no longer be said that black people in Multnomah County experiencing Prosecutorial Racism are pulling the race card. Furthermore, what the R.E.D report confirms profoundly is that people of color's equal protection of the law 14th Amendment constitutional guarantees are being violated in droves. My current situation is no different. Ray Charles, Hellen Keller, blind, dead and six feet underneath the Earth could easily see that I am being maliciously and selectively prosecuted by some, not all, misinformed persons in the District Attorney's Office. Nonetheless, still my eyes remain on the prize, victory, love and freedom. Last to the State, all black men do not carry guns. Like I said on the day of my arrest, I have not carried one in over 30 years. Furthermore, God will not allow the State to squeeze me into its racially biased box of witness false statements, prior inconsistent statements and its plethora of grand jury perjury. Thank you. During this same proceeding, Judge Aubrecht invoked the term "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT" after Themba's attorney Barry Engle justifiably and very effectively accused DDA Hermann of intentionally condoning and not correcting perjured testimony.

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According to Parris, directly after the rape allegedly concluded, Themba requested that she contact her friends so they could have a three-some.  According to Parris, it was for this reason that they left the motel, got into the vehicle and road up the street in order to locate Parris's friend. Not able to find Parris's friend, they stopped at a 7- Eleven. Parris then alleged that Kelley was able to convince Olivia (a random female that neither one of them knew) to come back to the motel to party with them.   Parris further alleged that it was during this 3 minute period in the 7-Eleven lot, that she began texting her girlfriend and her girlfriends husband requesting that they call the police and also come rescue her.  The motel video footage captures the "so-called" rescue.            Just arriving back to the motel, the video displays  Kelley, Parris and Olivia exiting the vehicle. The video displays Parris standing next to the vehicle, as Kelley and Olivia both walk towards room #208 with neither one of them paying attention to Parris. A couple of minutes pass and Parris (seemingly upset), jumps into her vehicle (which was parked right next to Kelley's) and peels out of the parking space. As this is happening the video displays Mr. Cisco (Parris's girlfriends husband) walking through the motel lot towards Parris's vehicle just as it is peeling out. He is in hot rescue pursuit.  Rightfully so, he believes that a woman has been raped.    The video displays Parris's vehicle abruptly stopping and Mr. Cisco hops into Parris's vehicle. The video displays Kelley and Olivia (still not paying any attention to Parris) continuing on to the motel room. The video displays Parris and Mr. Cisco peeling out of the motel lot. In other words, it was Mr. Cisco and also his wife that were in Parris's presence no more than 20 minutes after Parris' was allegedly sexually assaulted. Based upon the above evidentiary reality, it would seem that Mr. Cisco would be an excellent witness to support Parris's claims, right? WRONG!   MR. CISCO WILL BE TESTIFYING AGAINST PARRIS. WTF!           On the date of February 28, 2020, Kelley's private investigator Rick Gove of “Gove Enterprises Inc.” went and met with Mr. Cisco and his wife. This is what Rick reported:  Mr. Cisco said he doubted the validity of Parris's claims. I asked Mr. Cisco why he doubted the validity of Parris's claims. He said she was claiming she was beaten up and that her arm was broken, but to him she didn't look like she was beaten up and her arm did not seem broken. Mr. Cisco said he recalled she lifted up his very heavy leather jacket that he had that morning, which would have been impossible or extremely painful if her arm was broken. Mr. Cisco also said that he also observed Parris banging her arm against the car believing that she was actually trying to injure her own arm.     Mr. Cisco said based on his experience of getting to know Ms. Parris since the event occurred, he now sees her to be an extremely dishonest person. He said that he has watched her lie and con people many times. He said she even lied and scammed he and his wife. He said she stole the title the title of their car and soon after it was also stolen. (One of Parris's current charges is a possession of a stolen vehicle)  Mr. Cisco went on to say that two weeks after the incident occurred, Parris told him that she made up the sexual assault she alleged against  Kelley because she hates all men due to something that occurred to her in prison. Mr. Cisco said is wife, expressed she is fearful to speak to me because she does not know what Ms. Parris might do to retaliate if she talked. Mr. Cisco said he would definitely be willing to come to court to testify against Ms. Parris. On Saturday, March 7,2020, I made contact with Mr. Cisco again and served him a trial court subpoena.                                              Sincerely, Rick Gove   Gove Enterprises Inc. Investigations 704 Main Street- Suite 305-1 Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Someone else will testify against Parris (see below) Gove Enterprises Inc.  Investigations 704 Main Street - Suite 305-1  Oregon City, OR 97045  INVESTIGATIVE REPORT  To: Barry Engle From: Rick Gove Date: April 1, 2020 RE: Themba Kelley Investigation  Michael Frank Moody Report  On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 1 interviewed Michael Frank Moody, an inmate at the Multnomah County Inverness fail, SWIS # 808821, at phone number  I asked Mr. Moody if he knew a woman named Wendy Parris. He said that he did know her and had known her for about 2 years. Mr. Moody is homeless and prior to his incarceration he spent a lot of his time in downtown Portland in the vicinity of the Skidmore Fountain and the waterfront between the Burnside and Steel Bridges. Mr. Moody said he knows Ms. Parris because she also frequented this area.  I asked Mr. Moody if he had an opinion regarding Ms. Parris's reputation for honesty. He replied that she is known as a thief and to be very dishonest. Mr. Moody said that she manipulates any situation she gets in where she gets caught in her dishonesty and tries to shift the blame onto the person she is stealing from. Mr. Moody said when Ms. Parris gets caught in  property, she has a reputation for claiming that she is actually the victim. He said she is known for stealing people's property and if she gets caught in the act, then becoming a "damsel in distress" to manipulate the situation.  Mr. Moody gave an example of an incident that he witnessed where Ms. Parris was in a situation where she was stealing money from a man he knows, who he called "Josef" or "Joe the Muslim", and he heard "Joe" yelling “Give my money back" at Ms. Parris and she was yelling "help me, help me, this guy is trying to rape me!" Mr. Moody said he spoke with "Joe" and "Joe" told him he invited Ms. Parris into his tent and he saw her stealing some items and he told her to give his stuff back and then she started screaming that she was being beaten and he was trying to rape her.  Mr. Moody also gave an example of another time he saw Ms. Parris try to steal something, then get caught, then say that she was the victim. She said he was hanging out with a few men and they were all smoking meth and getting high. He said Ms. Parris walked up with her friend and they both started flirting with them. He said they invited her and her friend to smoke meth with them and while they were smoking everything good was fine, laughing and having a good time. Then when the meth was gone, Ms. Parris had his torch lighter. He asked for it back, and she said it was hers. He said no, then she started screaming "help help, he's trying to steal my stuff!" 

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